LVCRTN Meeting Dates 2021

These are the LVCRTN planned meeting dates for 2021

Unless otherwise stated the venue will be 
ETU Building
Corner of Buckley St and Collins St, Morwell.
(Once again courtesy of the AEU Gippsland)
Our standard meeting time is 4:00 - 6:00pm. Meeting starts at 4:15pm.


Paid Event Limited Numbers Contact Ian

Wednesday 10th March  (First Aid session 1)
& Wednesday 17th March  (First Aid session 2)

Provide First Aid 4-7:30pm by prior arrangement 

Wednesday 21st April
Wednesday 19th May 
Wednesday 16th June  (An Introduction to Kinesiology)

Wednesday 21st July
Wednesday 18th August
Wednesday 15th September

Wednesday 13th October
Wednesday 17th November

Contact Ian or Karen for more details.